Love’s Tapestry

Back in 2009, PoP Pop Music released a limited edition album featuring Roger Wang & Gina Panizales ” Love’s Tapestry”.  I got the CD with serial number 555 of 999. The recording is superb and every sense an audiophile recording. Recorded and mixed in Kuala Lumpur by Vong and sent to Doug Sax of The Mastering Lab for mastering.


What i wanted to say is this is a “fussy” album that need to be best heard with a proper sound system. It sound lifeless and disengaging thru my Monitor Audio x Roksan K2 integrated amp. Even when changed to KEF LS50 or Duntech speaker with Jeff Rowland Model 10 power amp, it doesn’t enhance the listening experience.

I almost wanted to cold storage the album until today. As I just got a dedicated preamplifier, Mirror Image Audio .2P from Zenn Audio,  i wanted to give it one more shot. The result is simply amazing. There is life to the music! Gina’s vocal sound much more livelier with punch! Soundstage is big and the highs are nicely accentuated. Now, I confirm my system’s weak link is at the pre-amp stage.

What joy and vindication to hear this fine album at last! That my friend, is audio for the win.