Embracing Music


With the Mirror Image .2P preamp settling down with Rowland Model 10, now it is time to pair it up with a good balance cable. It’s a very good pair of wire indeed.

Previously, I am using a T-loan from William his trusty RCA-XLR Canare cable that I found it to be decent wire. Not until, he passed me the top of the line XLR cable (which will remain anonymous now and i shall called it Blue X).

The sonic signature of Blue X as observed, felt and sensed

* there are more punch and slam to the music. it is not just about balance vs unbalance gain difference. The audio wire projects a lively and bigger stage then before. It is like Cheer Chen is singing in the room, FOR me and not to me. Blue X neither attenuates the highs nor the lows.

* probably will take at least 200 hours to burn in and it is already show promising personality.

*  Blue X just presents what was there in the music originally, like unveiling of aural nirvana.

* yes, there is music muscle during playback session and i yearn to listen to the music more and more. isn’t it the goal of music pleasure ?

* to skeptics and detractors, it might seem too incredulous to think otherwise. wire is wire, any wire duh. but listening is believing: the holographic presentation of Blue X to any music is like the bridge to aural enlightenment.  it amplify the senses and you might say it’s a HDR version of a photo.

And that my friend is audio for the win.